Scientific Publications

Proceedings and Abstracts at International Conferences

  • F. Iori, G. Perovic, F. Cini, A. Mazzeo, M. Controzzi, E. Falotico, “DMP Based Perturbed Handover with Preferential Learning”, Workshop on Machine Learning for Motion Planning at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA 2021, Xi’an China, May 31, 2021;
  • A. Fabisch, F. Kirchner, “Sample-Efficient Policy Search with a Trajectory Autoencoder”, 4th Robot Learning Workshop at NeurIPS, virtual. December 14, 2021, status: accepted;
  • M. Uliano, A. Mazzeo, M. Penzotti, F. Cini, M. Controzzi, “Modeling humans behaviour into a Grasp Library for robotic applications: ongoing activities” ACM/IEEE HRI 2022 Workshop on Modeling Human Behavior in Human-Robot Interactions, March 10-11, 2022, online. Oral presentation;
  • A. Fabisch, M. Uliano, D. Marschner, M. Laux, J. Brust, M. Controzzi, “A Modular Approach to the Embodiment of Hand Motions from Human Demonstrations” 2022 IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), Nov. 28-30, 2022, Okinawa, Japan, accepted;
  • L. Angelini, M. Uliano, A. Mazzeo, M. Penzotti, M. Controzzi, “Self-collision avoidance in bimanual teleoperation using CollisionIK: algorithm revision and usability experiment,” 2022 IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), Nov. 28-30, 2022, Okinawa, Japan, accepted;
  • A. Mazzeo, M. Uliano, F. Cini, M. Penzotti, L. Angelini, L. Craighero, M. Controzzi, “A protocol to study the role of deformability in human manipulation when changing task accuracy” ROMADO-SI workshop within the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022), Kyoto, Japan. accepted;
  • M. Penzotti, A. Mazzeo, M. Uliano, L. Angelini, M. Controzzi, “Proprioceptive filtering in robotics: an application in object handover” Workshop on Social and Cognitive Interactions for Assistive Robotics within the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022), Kyoto, Japan. accepted;
  • M. Laux, C. Singh, A. Fabisch, “Grasping 3D Deformable Objects via Reinforcement Learning: A Benchmark and Evaluation”, 3rd Workshop on Representing and Manipulating Deformable Objects at ICRA2023, London, United Kingdom, May 29, 2023;
  • A. Fabisch, “Transformations in Three Dimensions”, EuroSciPy, Basel, Switzerland, August 14-18, 2023;
  • N. Mulsow, A. Dabrowski, M. Mallwitz, L. Maisch, “Design and testing of mechanical gripping tools for On Orbit assembling” 13th EASN International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons”, Salerno (Italy). Sep. 5-8, 2023, accepted;
  • Oscar Lima, Marc Vinci et al, “A Physics-Based Simulated Robotics Testbed for Planning and Acting Research”, International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2023;
  • Manuela Uliano, Lucia Angelini, Angela Mazzeo, Mattia Penzotti, Francesca Cini and Marco Controzzi (2023), “A rule-based robot grasp planner inspired by human behaviours”, 5th Italian Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Machines October 20-22, 2023 – Fiera di Roma;
  • Francesco Rea, Mattia Penzotti, Arren Glover, Francesco Iori, Gojko Perovic, Matteo Conti, Angela Mazzeo, Egidio Falotico, Chiara Bartolozzi and Marco Controzzi (2023), “Towards a software pipeline for seamless robot-to-human handover”, 5th Italian Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Machines October 20-22, 2023 – Fiera di Roma;
  • Mattia Penzotti, Marco Controzzi (2024), “AIKIdo – Articulations Inverse Kinematics with Impulsive obstacle dynamics” submitted to RSS2024.

Invited talks at national and international conferences/fairs

  • M. Controzzi, “Humans collaborating with robots as a natural act”, invited talk at the workshop: Robots Building Robots. Digital Manufacturing and Human-Centered Automation for Building Consumer Robots within the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, NV, (USA), 25th October 2020;
  • Joachim Hertzberg (University of Osnabrück), Oscar Lima & Sebastian Stock (DFKI Niedersachsen Lab), “Plan-based Robot Control”, ICAPS Online Summer School on Automated Planning & Scheduling. Virtual/Online event (due to COVID, otherwise venue would have been Nancy, France). 15th October 2020;
  • Linda Lastrico (Università degli Studi di Genova – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia), Alessandro Carfì (Università degli Studi di Genova), Alessia Vignolo (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia), Alessandra Sciutti (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia), Fulvio Mastrogiovanni (Università degli Studi di Genova) and Francesco Rea (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia), “Careful with That! Observation of Human Movements to Estimate Objects Properties”, 13th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR 2020). Virtual/Online event (due to COVID, otherwise venue would have been Innsbruck, Austria), October 22-23, 2020;
  • José F. Gómez (INESCOP), “Habilitadores esenciales para la transformación digital en calzado”. Jornadas de INNOVACIÓN en CALZADO. OnLine event organized by Cluster Calzado Innovación, Oct 06, 2020;
  • Jesús Arregui (INESCOP), ‘Manipuladores multipropósito para operaciones manufactureras’, Jornadas Bits de Innovación: Fabricación Avanzada, organizadas por INESCOP, 15-17 dec., 2020 (on line session due to COVID-19)
  • Pelayo González (ASINCAR), “Efficient Strategies for the Digitalization of the Meat Industries”, Working Group “Meat”, Webinar, Food for Life Technological Platform, March 2nd, 2021;
  • Pelayo Gonzalez (ASINCAR), “The incorporation of NIR data in the digital management of an industry and its applications”, workshop “NIR technology and digitization in meat industries”, ANICE, March 24th, 2021, virtual;
  • Francesca Cini presented the APRIL project during the MECSPE 2023 international fair (29-31 March 2023, Bologna – Italy). She gave a presentation entitled “APRIL project and Mia Hand: using a new dexterous hand for mAniPulation of defoRmable materIaLs in manufacturing process”.

Organization of national and international workshops

  • V. Ortenzi, T. Pardi, M. Controzzi, F. Cini, M. Roa, M. Bianchi, J. Leitner, P. Corke, “Shaping the quality metric of a grasp with the manipulation task: grasping as a sub-action of object manipulation” full-day workshop organized within the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation – ICRA 2020, Paris (FR), Virtual Conference, 30 June 2020. [Youtube channel:];
  • Jointly organized with the other projects of the FoF call. “Soft objects robotic manipulation for the future of European factories”, ERF 2021, virtual conference, 13 April 2021;
  • R. Walker mentioned APRIL at the euRobotics Tech Transfer Award 2021 when speaking about their latest projects. ERF 2021, virtual conference, 13 April 2021;
  • Standards and safety workshop European Robotics Forum ERF 2021, virtual conference, 13 April 2021;
  • Standards in robotics and AI workshop as part of the euRobotics Topical Group on Standards, 12 July 2021;
  • M. Controzzi organised a workshop with Prof. Laila Craighero from the University of Ferrara on “The Role of Kinematics in Human-Robot Interaction”, at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, 29 October 2021, streamed online;
  • Sensors, embedded systems and IoT, 23rd Sept., 2021, organized by the regional innovation agency IDEPA, Gijón;
  • Advanced sensors: new tools for quality control and prevention of food fraud, 26th October, 2022, organized by ASIN, Noreña

Invited lectures at universities

  • M. Controzzi, “Artificial hands for action and perception: from the functional substitution to the human-robot collaboration”, July 20, 2022, Genova (Italy);
  • M. Controzzi, “Artificial hands for action and perception: from the functional substitution to the human-robot collaboration”, July 20, 2022, Genova (Italy)

Other activities

  • APRIL project on Food for Life Technological platform, main Spanish innovation platform in the Food sector;
  • Participation of ASIN (Roberto Morán) in the “International Machinery Forum 2021 – The Factory of Tomorrow” with promotion of APRIL in the ASINCAR profile, virtual, 11, 12 March, 2021;
  • Participation (speaker in a round table) of ASIN (Juan Díaz) on the “SALENOR – The Agrifood Week of Asturias”, 28 April 2021, [Link:];
  • Participation in the TRANSDAIRY Focus Group on innnovative technologies for the Dairy value chain, 6 May 2021 Innovation Village Campania Italy, virtual event Link 1:; Link 2:];
  • Participation on MOMAD (The International Textile, Footwear and Accessories Exhibition) Madrid (ES) 17-19 sept. 2021. Presentation of digital poster;
  • Participation on SIMAC Tanning Tech, Milán (IT) 21-24 sept. 2021. Presentation of digital poster;
  • Participation on FUTURMODA , Elche (ES) 05-06 Oct. 2022;
  • Francesco Iori, Gojko Perovic, Matteo Conti, Francesca Cini, Angela Mazzeo, Marco Controzzi, Egidio Falotico “AI for HRI: Learning From Human Preferences And Intentions For Smooth And Adaptive Handover”, Ital-IA 2022 Workshop AI per l’Industria – National workshop Febraury 10, 2022;
  • Participation on FUTURMODA , Elche (ES) 09-10 Mar. 2022;
  • Participation on MOMAD (The International Textile, Footwear and Accessories Exhibition) Madrid (ES) 18 sept. 2022. Presentation of digital poster;
  • Participation on SIMAC Tanning Tech, Milán (IT) 21-23 sept. 2022. Presentation of digital poster;
  • Participation on FUTURMODA , Elche (ES) 05-06 Oct. 2022;
  • Participation in MECSPE – 9 June 2022, Bologna (Italy);
  • Participation in RO-MAN – 28 Aug-2 Sept 2022, Naples (Italy);
  • Participation in SALENOR 2022 – Food and Equipment Show of the North of Spain (21-23 Feb. 2022, Avilés, Asturias, Spain);
  • Participation in Food4future 2022 – ExpoFoodTech (17-19 May 2022, Bilbao, Spain);
  • Digital Asturias Forum (31 May 2022, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain);
  • Participation in AGROPEC 2022 – 36th Fair of the Field and Agricultural, Livestock, Forestry and Fishing Industries (23-25 Sept. 2022, Gijón, Asturias, Spain);
  • EU R&I Days 2022 (28-29 Sept. 2022, online);
  • Participation on Industry Day, HUNGARY International Trade Exhibition, Budapest, Hungary 18.05.2023. Broschure, poster;
  • Participation in Industry Day, II. Huplast Plastic Industry Conference, Budapest, Hungary 18.05.2023. Presentation;
  • Participation in MECSPE 2023 – 29-31 March 2023, Bologna (Italy);
  • Participation in Festival della Robotica – 19-21 May 2023, Pisa (Italy);
  • Participation in SPS 2023 – 23-25 May 2023, Parma (Italy);
  • 05/06/2023 K46 organised and held an online workshop” Robot interfaces standards, gaps and needs” hosted by the ADRA association open forum on standardisation. The APRIL’s control box was presented in collaboration with PIAP and design and standards use and gaps were discussed.The scope of the workshop was to discuss with the community of experts the possible development of a standard for Human Machine Interaction in robotics which lack became evident thanks to the APRIL’s development of the control box. 35 participants;
  • Participation Forum TRANSFIERE 2023 -12nd European Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation (15-17 February, 2023, Málaga, Spain);
  • Participation in Meat Attraction fair 2023 (6-8 March 2023, Madrid, Spain);
  • Participation in IFE 2023 – International Food & Drink Event (20-22 March, 2023, London);
  • Participation in Food4future 2023 – ExpoFoodTech (16-18 May 2023, Bilbao, Spain);
  • Participation in MECSPE 2024 (as visitors, 7 March 2023, Bologna, Italy);
  • Participation in the European Robotics Forum (13-15 March 2024, Rimini, Italy);
  • Participation in FUTURMODA 2024 (13-14 March 2024, Spain);
  • Preparation of a poster and a brochure to present APRIL project in Turkish to Silverline’s collaborators and customers in the Demonstration stage.

Media Coverage/Website

  • The project website is fully operational;
  • April;
  • The linkedin profile of the project is fully operational;
  • Facebook profile of the project is operational;
  • A press release about the beginning of the project was jointly released by the partners of the Consortium on April 28, 2020 through their Institutional websites.;
  • A press release about the beginning of the project was jointly released by ASINCAR, UPM and TREE for regional media;
  • APRIL project section in ASINCAR webpage;
  • Periodic publications about the APRIL project in the ASINCAR social accounts (Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook), like;;
  • Periodic publications about the APRIL project in the SILVERLINE Linkedin account;;
  • A press release on the Sant’Anna Magazine about the published paper “The grasp strategy of a robot passer influences performance and quality of the robot-human object handover”, Frontiers in Robotics and AI.
    Italian version:;
  • APRIL project section in INESCOP webpage;
  • Periodic publications about the APRIL project in the INESCOP Linkedin:;
  • Poster on APRIL Project placed in INESCOP facilities (showroom) Version on es, en and bilingual;
  • Display (digital format) to show on fairs and events. Version on es and en;
  • Francesco Clemente was interviewed at the Maker Faire Rome 2020 on 12 Dec and talked about the APRIL and DeTOP projects;
  • Francesco Clemente was interviewed by INTOSCANA web magazine;
  • Publications about APRIL on INESCOP twitter:;
  • Publications about APRIL on INESCOP linkedin:;
  • Publications about APRIL on INESCOP facebook:;
  • Interview (in ITALIAN) with Francesco Clemente by the InToscana magazine, talking about the Mia hand being used in the APRIL project. LINK:;
  • Video-Interview (in ITALIAN) to Francesco Clemente within the Maker Faire event, talking about the Mia hand being used in the APRIL project. LINK:;
  • Update of the project website ( with additional content;
  • Several social media campaigns (Facebook, LinkedIn) intended to present the project and its partners and raise awareness; For example “About us” campaign:; welcoming new colleagues:; “Use cases” campaign:;
  • Press release linked to the “II Days of Agrifood Sector in Asturias” organized by “El Comercio” regional newspaper and where ASIN (Pelayo Gonzalez) participated, 28/05/2020,;
  • Dedicated page about APRIL on the SHADOW website with referral link to APRIL’s website (;
  • Referral link to APRIL website on Kontor46 website (;
  • News on the Open Collaborative Platform on innovative enabling technologies for the Dairy Valule Chain of the TRANSDAIRY project;
  • Press release linked to the pubblished paper: “The relevance of signal timing in human-robot collaborative manipulation,” Science Robotics:;
  • Report by regional newspaper “La Nueva España” about ASINCAR and it’s role and progress in the APRIL project (Title: “Una nueva generación de robots industriales de la mano de Asincar”, no link);
  • Presentation of the APRIL project and its use cases and related safety and standards issues at the ADRA (the new EU association for Robotics, AI, Big Data) on October 7th 2021;
  • Presentation of the APRIL project and its use cases and possible application in the food industry at the Berytech (The Libanese innovatioin center) course on entrepreneurship on the technologies for the Dairy Value Chain on 19th November;
  • Interaction with the Safety topical Group on safety and inclusion in their workshop program for ERF 2022 as a Presentation of the APRIL project and its use cases;
  • Proposal for a workshop about standards at ERF 2022 and its acceptance. The workshop includes a presentation of the APRIL project use cases and contributions to standards;
  • INESCOP Website: ‘INESCOP investiga para la robotización de la tarea del embolsado de plantillas’;
  • Press release: WorldFootwear ‘Robots handling insoles for bagging’;
  • Linkedin&Twitter post “ROS is the future of smart automation!”;
  • Linkedin&Twitter post ““APRIL rocks”!!”;
  • Linkedin post “The first face to face meeting of the APRIL project! 🦾🦾”;
  • “Linkedin&Twitter&Facebook post on workshop and plenary meeting:”;
  • INESCOP website: ‘INESCOP gathers the APRIL project partners ina workshop’;
  • Press release “Asincar consolida su oficina de proyectos europeos” in regional newspaper “La Nueva España” about the EU Office of ASINCAR (29/12/2022;;
  • Press release “La industria cárnica ensaya con la mano «April» el uso de robots en sus procesos” in the regional newspaper “La Nueva España” related to the final APRIL industrial workshop in ASINCAR (11/10/2023;;
  • Press release “Asincar diseña un robot en Noreña capaz de envasar piezas de pollo” in the regional newspaper “El Comercio” related to the final APRIL industrial workshop in ASINCAR (11/10/2023;;
  • Press release “Asincar realiza un taller demostrativo de robots para el envasado de alimentos” in the meat specialized magazine “Eurocarne Digital” related to the final APRIL industrial workshop in ASINCAR (13/10/2023;;
  • Press release “ASINCAR promueve la automatización del envasado de alimentos a través de una solución robótica” in the food specialized magazine “Revista Alimentaria” related to the final APRIL industrial workshop in ASINCAR (13/10/2023;;
  • Press release “ASINCAR promueve la automatización del envasado de alimentos a través de una solución robótica” in the regional newspaper “El Campo de Asturias” related to the final APRIL industrial workshop in ASINCAR (14/10/2023;;
  • Periodic publications about the APRIL project in the SILVERLINE Linkedin account;;
  • Specific post on the APRIL activities at Silverline.